Frequently Asked Questions?
Most frequently asked questions
I don't live in Great Britain or receive UK disability benefits - can I apply for a Disabled Persons Railcard?
Unfortunately we do not have the resources or expertise to be able to validate documentation from outside the United Kingdom (UK) so we can only accept UK-based documentation as proof of eligibility.
People from outside the UK are advised to find out about the Britrail Pass which gives excellent savings to visitors to Britain. Alternatively, check out the range of other Railcards that can be purchased.
If you do not have a Railcard and are a wheelchair user or a visually impaired person travelling with an adult companion, you can get discounts on selected range of tickets - see the Concessionary Discounts page for details
I'm a child and I have a disability. Am I eligible for a Disabled Persons Railcard?
5 to 15-year olds that are eligible can apply for a Disabled Persons Railcard. While the Railcard doesn't offer discounts on child fares, it will allow one person travelling with the cardholder to get 1/3 off most rail fares.
I receive Personal Independence Payments. Am I eligible for a Disabled Persons Railcard?
If you receive Personal Independence Payments at any level for either the Mobility or Daily Living components, you are eligibile for a Disabled Persons Railcard. Applicants will need to provide a copy of their current award letter.
I have a local authority concessionary bus pass - does this make me eligible for a Disabled Persons Railcard?
Holding a concessionary bus pass does not entitle a person to qualify for a Disabled Persons Railcard. Concessionary bus passes are administered by local authorities who have the flexibility to use their discretion when issuing passes. So whilst many of the people who have a bus pass may be candidates for a Railcard, there are many who would not (for example, people with short term illnesses and conditions). Therefore we cannot accept the bus pass alone as grounds to issue a Railcard.
I have a Blue Badge parking permit - does this make me eligible for a Disabled Persons Railcard?
Being a Blue Badge holder does not entitle a person to qualify for a Disabled Persons Railcard. The Blue Badge scheme is designed to give parking privileges to people with mobility problems who have difficulty using public transport. It is run by local authorities who have the flexibility to use their discretion when issuing badges. So whilst many of the people who have Blue Badges may be candidates for a Railcard, there are many who would not (for example, people with short term illnesses and conditions or parents of children who need to transport bulky medical equipment). Therefore we cannot accept the Blue Badge alone as grounds to issue a Railcard.
I currently receive Disability Living Allowance but need to apply for Personal Independence Payments. Can I still get a Disabled Persons Railcard?
A: Yes
You will need to provide either a copy of your award letter showing receipt of Disability Living Allowance in the past 12 months, or a copy of your award letter for Personal Independence Payments going forward.
Where can people get the information here in a different format such as Large Print, Easy Read or Audio?
A: You can download MS Word, PDF, large print, easy read and audio versions of the information leaflet and application form on this website - click here.
If you require information in a format other than these - such as Braille - please contact the Disabled Persons Railcard office.
How can I get registered as having a visual impairment?
Can't find an answer?If the answer to your question is not in the above or you are having problems purchasing your Railcard, you can contact us Train CompaniesIf you have any questions concerning rail ticket prices or journey planning National Rail Enquiries will be happy to help you. If you have any comments about a specific rail journey please contact the train company that provides the service. To find their contact details see the list of Train Operating Companies